
[Allegiance to the Old Gods]

[Kill Lorgus Jett in Blackfathom Deeps and then return to Je'neu Sancrea in Ashenvale.]
[Lorgus Jett] ucciso (1)


[This Twilight's Hammer follower cannot be allowed to complete his plan. The Twilight's Hammer do not understand the spirits of nature. They believe in the Old Gods--creatures of chaos and destruction that were long ago defeated. This Lorgus cannot be allowed to succeed. You must stop him, <name>. I cannot do it myself--I am too weak.

Go into Blackfathom Deeps, find him, and kill him. Return to me here at Zoram'gar when it's done.]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
[Band of the Iron Fist] [Frayed Chestnut Mantle]
Il seguente incantesimo sarà gettato su di voi:
Burst of Experience
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(78927))

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