
[Salvaging the Salvagematic]

[Bring Ziri "The Wrench" 10 Mithril Bars, 5 Greater Mystic Essence, 3 GG12-082 Cartridge Fuses, and a Pristine G-7 C.O.R.E. Processor and she can get the Salvagematic 9000! working for you. Probably. Maybe.]
Mithril Bar (10)
Greater Mystic Essence (5)
[GG12-082 Cartridge Fuse] (3)
[Pristine G-7 C.O.R.E. Processor] (1)


[I think that thing is on it's last legs, pal. I might be able to fix it, but it won't be easy... or cheap. Tell you what, bring me 10 mithril bars, 5 greater mystic essence, 3 GG12-082 cartridge fuses, and a Pristine G-7 C.O.R.E. processor, and I can probably fix it up for you. The cartridge fuses should be plentiful here in Gnomeregan, but the processor core is a pretty rare item and won't be too easy to find. You look pretty resourceful though, so I'm sure you'll figure it out! Good luck!]


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